Marlena specializes in addressing the individual uniqueness of every home and knows how to take a home from “Oh” to “WOW”!
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A Day In the Life of a Home Stager
Amazing Staging by Marlena
Here we are staging our condo for sale on the real estate market. We did our own version of fix and flip or as some say, “Slapped some lipstick on a pig.”
Take A Peak Upstairs
This condo is going on the market and needs to be ready for Open House.
An Accumulation of Odd Things
What does an air mattress, plywood, boxes and a comforter have in common?
Disdain for Moving Heavy Furniture
A Bill Wheelock invention. A Home Stager’s delight!!!
Making the Bed
Bill Wheelock’s great invention! Much better than hauling around a mattress, box springs and bed frame.
Amazing-Staging Master Bedroom
Accent colors were added to compliment the bedding in the Master Bedroom.
What To Do With Stubborn Stains?
This tub in the Master Bathroom was refinished to make it sparkle! The counter top in the other upstairs bathroom was also refinished to make it look brand new.
Transforming the Master Bathroom
Creating a seashore theme using sea shells, sea foam green towels, artwork and accessories.
Amazing-Staging Master Bedroom
Accent colors were added to compliment the bedding in the Master Bedroom.
Refinished Bathroom Counter
Miguel refinished the stained counter top to make it look new. This made all the difference in the world.
Amazing-Staging of Upstairs Bathroom
Using colors and textures that lend to a warm, welcoming, and yet functional bathroom.
Which Picture Goes Best Here? Part 1
Getting the condo ready for Open House
Which Picture Goes Best Here? Part 2
Replicating the “orchid” theme with this artwork. This turned out to be my final choice for this downstairs bathroom
Making It All Work
Dining room and kitchen have colors that all work together using items of interest to accessorize the rooms.
Ready for Open House
The living room is staged to include specialty items such as unique pillows, a storage bench that is also a coffee table, natural reeds and our dog named Misty. Lol
Open House Tour

Remote Staging